the many nations that took up the call to promote Yoga, a two-day
International Yoga Festival took place on June 20-21, 2015 in St
Petersburg, Russia. The scope of the First International Festival of
this type was unparalleled: 20 yoga schools, 31 teachers, 52 classes, 15
traditions, 5 teaching halls, 200 participants, averaging 12 hrs each
day. Master-classes organised by teachers of various schools of human
development from India, USA, Europe (Czech, Romania, Italy), Russia and

The opening ceremony communicated this mission by offering collective prayers from Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Teachers
from different traditions, styles and types of Yoga came together to
expand the scope of Yoga practice beyond the physical.
on Yoga included 'Nada Yoga & Mantra Yoga' by TV Ramprasad from
Chennai, South India. 'Natya Yoga' - Yoga for dancers and Dance as a
form of Yoga, was presented by Indira Kadambi from Chennai. Tibetan
singing bowls (Alla Nomerova), Qi-Gong
(Aleksey Soshenko), Hakim massage technique and Gurjiev dances
(Aleksandr Svyatkin), couples Yoga (Svetlana Lobanova) and Yoga for
women (Rina Vaisman), tea ceremony (Dmitri Zolotorevski) and
aromatherapy (Svetlana Kulikova).

practices included Meditation in Advaita Vedanta (Swami Advaitananda)
and Dzogchen Buddhist tradition (presented by Chongtul Rinpoche from New
York, USA), introduction into meditation and guidance (presented by
Evelina Lotte from New York, USA)

Petersburg has been a historical bridge between Western and Eastern
Europe and Russia as a cultural capital and is an ideal place to house a
unique Festival of this type. It has demonstrated hospitality, openness
and welcoming spirit during and after the event.
overall experience was amplified by a weather phenomenon of "White
Nights", where the daylight extends into the night hours. Located
outside of city centre, participants were also able to experience nature
and enjoy lush forests and lakes around.
ceremony has brought together the unique features of the event by
offering a wide range of performances and welcomed Consul General of
India in SPB, Mr Arun Kumar Sharma, as a guest of honour, accompanied by
Specialist/Interpreter Alla Doroshenko. Award ceremony was conducted to
recognise teachers, volunteers and participants with prizes and